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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1978;7(2): 519-522.
Commissural Myelotomy: Case Report.
Tae Sung Kim, Ye Cheol Kim, Gook Ki Kim, Young Keun Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
The commissural myelotomy in the treatment of bilateral intractable pain was first reported by Armour in 1927. Used sparingly since its introduction it has recently met with renewed interest due to use of the operating microneurosurgical operating technique. We performed the commissural myelotomy in 40 years old male patient who complained of bilateral intractable pain in the lower extremities due to metastatic tumor. After total laminectomy from T10 to L1, employing with magnifying glasses we performed commissural myelotomy about 70 mm in length(T10-S2 segment) and 5 mm in depth on June 26, 1978. After operation, we had good result.
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